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Benchmark Data

The benchmark data for the acoustic scattering models in Jech et al. (2015) are included in the echoSMs package. These comprise target strength values for two sets of benchmarks:

  • Model runs over a range of frequencies
  • Model runs over a range of incident angles at a frequency of 38 kHz

These are provided as text files (see below), or as Pandas DataFrames via the [benchmarkdata] class.


This dataset contains target strength (TS re 1 m² [dB]) as a function of acoustic frequency. The data file, Benchmark_Frequency_TS.csv, is formatted as comma-separated TS values given to a precision of two decimal places (i.e., 0.01 dB). The first row in the file contains column labels, indicating the model type for that column. NA represents TS values that were not computed.

The column names and descriptions are:

Column Name Description
Frequency_kHz Acoustic frequency in kHz. TS values are given at 2 kHz increments from 12 to 400 kHz.
Sphere_Rigid Benchmark values for the rigid sphere.
Sphere_PressureRelease Benchmark values for the pressure release sphere.
Sphere_Gas Benchmark values for the gas filled sphere.
Sphere_WeaklyScattering Benchmark values for the weakly scattering sphere.
ShellSphere_PressureRelease Benchmark values for the pressure release shelled sphere.
ShellSphere_Gas Benchmark values for the gas filled shelled sphere.
ShellSphere_WeaklyScattering Benchmark values for the weakly scattering shelled sphere.
ProlateSpheroid_Rigid Benchmark values for the rigid prolate spheroid. Valid TS values were computed for 12-80 kHz
ProlateSpheroid_PressureRelease Benchmark values for the pressure release prolate spheroid. Valid TS values were computed for 12-80 kHz.
ProlateSpheroid_Gas Benchmark values for the gas filled prolate spheroid. No benchmark TS values were computed.
ProlateSpheroid_WeaklyScattering Benchmark values for the weakly scattering prolate spheroid.
Cylinder_Rigid Benchmark values for the rigid cylinder.
Cylinder_PressureRelease Benchmark values for the pressure release cylinder.
Cylinder_Gas Benchmark values for the gas filled cylinder.
Cylinder_WeaklyScattering Benchmark values for the weakly scattering cylinder.

TS(θ) at 38 kHz

This dataset contains target strength (TS re 1m² [dB]) as a function of insonifying angle of incidence (θ) for the prolate spheroid and cylinder shapes. The data file Benchmark_Angle_TS.csv is formatted a comma-separated Ts values given to a precision of two decimal places (i.e., 0.01 dB). Incidence angle is as per the echoSMs convention. The first row in the file contains column labels, indicating the model type for that column. NA represents TS values that were not computed.

The column names and descriptions are:

Column Name Description
Angle_deg Angle of incidence. TS values are given at 2-degree increments from 0 to 90°.
ProlateSpheroid_Rigid Benchmark values for the rigid prolate spheroid.
ProlateSpheroid_PressureRelease Benchmark values for the pressure release prolate spheroid.
ProlateSpheroid_Gas Benchmark values for the gas filled prolate spheroid.
ProlateSpheroid_WeaklyScattering Benchmark values for the weakly scattering prolate spheroid.
Cylinder_Rigid Benchmark values for the rigid cylinder. TS values for end-on (0°) incidence were not computed.
Cylinder_PressureRelease Benchmark values for the pressure release cylinder. TS values for end-on (0°) incidence were not computed.
Cylinder_Gas Benchmark values for the gas filled cylinder. TS values for end-on (0°) incidence were not computed.
Cylinder_WeaklyScattering Benchmark values for the weakly scattering cylinder. TS values for end-on (0°) incidence were not computed.