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Other software

Other software that provides source code for acoustic scattering models of relevance to fisheries and plankton acoustics includes:

  • acousticTS: R code for calculating scattering using the DCM, DWBA, SDWBA, SDWBA_curved, KRM, MSS model, as well as that of calibration spheres.
  • Coupled BEM acoustic: Julia code that calculates the TS of three-dimensional shapes with an included object (e.g., a swimbladder).
  • FishAcoustics: Contains a Python module that implements the phase-tracking DWBA model.
  • Hydrac: Contains Python code that implements several exact and approximate scattering models, including the DWBA and high-pass models. Hydrac is a package for computing suspended matter concentrations from backscatter.
  • KRM Model: A web page that uses the KRM model to estimate the TS of predefined or user-supplied shapes over a range of input parameters.
  • KRMr: KRM model for fish in R.
  • Liquid spheroid: Julia and C++ code to calculate the scattering by fluid prolate and oblate spheroids.
  • Prol_Spheroid: Python and Fortran code to calculate the scattering from liquid and gas-filled prolate spheroids.
  • scatmod: Open source acoustic scattering models for fisheries acoustics. Python and R code for fluid spheres.
  • SDWBA Model: A web page that uses the SDWBA model to estimate the TS of predefined shapes over a range of input parameters.
  • SDWBA packages: Provides krill model data
  • SDWBA.jl: Julia code that implements the SDWBA model
  • Unfinished Python code to implement the SDWBA model.
  • SDWBA.R: Untested R code that implements the SDWBA model.
  • SDWBA_TS: Matlab code that implements the SDWBA model for Antarctic krill.
  • sphereTS: Python code to calculate the TS of calibration spheres.
  • Standard sphere target strength calculator: A web page that calculates the TS of calibration spheres.
  • tetrascatt: R and C++ code that implements the DWBA model on arbitrary geometries.
  • ZooScatR: R code that implements the DWBA model.